With the very first event in 2024, the Reading Sofia Foundation celebrates its growth. This year, the organization behind Literary Walks, Hidden Letters, and Literary Talks turns ten years old. It is under the sign of this anniversary that the third annual edition of Literary Talks will begin, the theme of which will be 'Growing Up'. The team of Reading Sofia has chosen this focus as the thematic core of all the events of the spring program. Literary Talks will start with the birthday of the Reading Sofia Foundation. And since every initiative of the Foundation is memorable and distinctive, this evening will keep the tradition and will not be limited to an opening party.
Free entrance
Literary Talks Spring 2024 is supported by the Ministry of Culture and Sofia Municipality, Culture Programme. Goran Vojnović's visit is supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Sofia, Slovenian Book Agency and Beletrina.
Literary Talks is organized by the Reading Sofia Foundation. They are held with the partnership of the National Gallery: Sofia Arsenal - Museum of Contemporary Art), and the ICU Publishing House.